We want to help you save more
We know that managing costs is vital to your operations, so we have carefully crafted solutions with that goal in mind. With any combination of our solutions, we will help you find ways to manage your costs.
Spares Management
Spare parts management is an important element of best-in-class system operation. However, it can represent an area of escalating production cost and risk as a result of:
- Inventory – Storing redundant or excessive spare parts.
- Organization – Inefficient or disorganized storage of spare parts.
To reduce your production costs and risks, ATS provides spares management services across four key areas and we are happy to work with your teams to design the solution best suited to your needs

Asset Reliability Services
Our Asset Reliability Services team has the knowledge to support you in the development of your Maintenance Strategy. Our approach is about proactively managing your assets and operations to reduce maintenance spend. Leverage our experience to help you achieve your goals around cost.
System Upgrades and Retrofits
Modifying an existing machine can lower your cost of ownership, and ATS After Sales and Services has the years of experience to execute. We can address product changes, process modifications, and obsolete parts to improve the reliability, extend the life span of your system and ultimately reduce your cost of operation.