We have engineered over 6,500 assembly systems responsible for building the critical components that bring vehicles to life.

Complete systems
As one of the world’s largest suppliers to the transportation market, we provide solutions for automotive, on road/off road and heavy duty vehicle, aerospace, and rail. With both broad process knowledge and a flexible product line, we continue to be a growing solution provider to the world market.
You can count on us when you need global execution, launch and support for your assembly and test needs. We have the depth of experience necessary to handle small to big products, low to high volume, high precision requirements, and everything from powertrain to interiors. There are few components on a vehicle, other than large welding systems, with which we do not have experience.
We have some of the broadest range of experience in the global transportation assembly system industry today. Some of our system and process experience includes:
ABS Brake assembly
Axle assembly
Brake assembly
Chassis components
E motor assembly
Electric motor assembly
Fuel Injectors
Fuel pumps
Fuel Rails
Heavy Duty Diesel assembly
Low and high volume powertrain assembly and sub assembly
Power transfer Units
Rack assembly
Servo motor assembly
Solenoid assembly
Steer and gear assembly
Steering column assembly
Throttle body
Turbo assembly
Wheel hubs
With a network of qualified support specialists worldwide, we can provide maintenance and critical response services wherever your system is put into operation.
Additional Information
Battery Design Authority – What 90 Battery Lines Have Taught Us
Watch the Webinar On-Demand >
The Tangram Issue in Battery Testing
Watch the Webinar On-Demand >
Electric Vehicle Challenges: Are You Prepared?
Watch the Webinar On-Demand >
Discover The Key Element: EV Battery Testing,
Watch the Webinar On-Demand >
Hear What the Experts Have to Say on EV Battery Assembly.
Watch the Addressing the Battery Challenge Webinar >