Discussing the advantages of pre-engineered, agile automation solutions and why they have been successful in processes such as injection molding and metal cutting. (Part 2).
The Problem Child in Automation
Exposing the Myth that Assembly Process Automation Cannot be as Agile and as Efficient as an Injection Molding Machine (Part 1)
ASK THE EXPERT – Is there value in having a high-speed assembly machine if I don’t need high output?
Historically, the correct answer has been the obvious one. It wouldn’t have made sense, because it would have meant
buying a more expensive machine than needed. But with today’s technology, the answer isn’t so obvious. Here are
some examples of where a high-speed machine can be the better choice for your bottom line, even if you don’t need
super high output.
ASK THE EXPERT – Should Utilization be a more important consideration when justifying equipment purchases?
An old manufacturing metric (TEEP) is very relevant when it comes to high speed automated assembly Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP) is an uncommon but powerful manufacturing metric that is both broader and more revealing than the widely used Overall Equipment Effectivness (OEE). The difference between TEEP and OEE is simply that OEE measures equipment effectiveness over scheduled operating hours, whereas TEEP measures equipment effectiveness over available calendar hours (24 hours per day and 365 days a year = 100% TEEP utilization).