Our full evaporators and pre-concentrators’ range specifically designed and engineered for Food and Liquid Food products.
In the field of “food evaporation” we can count on two main different evaporation technologies for the Food and Liquid Food industry.
The first one is based on MRV (Mechanical Recompression Vapour), which represents one of the best technologies to develop a first-rate concentration process with a high energy recovery of heat-sensitive products. The second main technology is based on D.F.F (Downward Forced Flow product circulation) and it is one of the most representative examples of our continuous research and development approach, trying always to ensure the highest quality of final products and contributing to maximize the reliability of our equipment.

The falling film multiple effect evaporator Poseidon is equipped with TVR technology for energy saving. It is suitable for liquids with no fibers for a high concentration ratio (up to 1:25).

PRODUCTS: clear and cloudy juices
- Negligible steam consumption in pasteurization
- Steam consumption in flash cooling is from 0,02 tons of steam per each ton of water removed.
- Evaporation temperature from 90° down to 50°
- Residence time: from 5 up to 15 minutes.
- Embedded pasteurization with 95% heat recovery.
- Condensates purity from 20 to 50 µS
- Concentration ratio up to 1:25

The falling film M.V.R. (Mechanical Vapor Recompression) Apollo evaporator is renowned for its excellent reliability and gentleness in product treatment. Its exceptional energy-saving level has never been achieved by other applications and delivers a striking reduction of operational costs, as well as considerable quality improvement.
Apollo can concentrate 150 to 180 t/h of infeed product (from 4.5 to 12° brix), respectively extracting up to 60 to 80 t/h of evaporated water.
The product obtained may be used as it is, or further concentrated until obtaining the residue desired, by means of traditional multi-effect forced circulation plants. Thanks to minimum residence time (a few minutes) as well as the reduced difference in temperature between the condensed vapor on the exchanger’s shell and the product inside the tubes (4-6°C), there is no product thermal damaging. The quality of the output concentrate mainly in terms of color and taste is higher than the same products obtained with other concentration technologies.
Due to its particular characteristics, the Apollo evaporator represents the most innovative technology suited to a first-rate concentration process with high energy recovery of heat-sensitive products, both fibrous (as tomato concentrate or citrus fruits) and clear (like fruit juices, milk and other dairy products, special products like protein broth , etc… ).
Apollo is also capable of concentrating up to 60 tons of milk per hour of infeed product from 6% to 50%, with evaporated water extraction ranging from 12 t/h to 50 t/h. The product obtained can be used as such in the form of a concentrated liquid, or it can be transformed into a solid powder with the application of another technology.

PRODUCTS: tomato paste, milk, cheese whey, clear juices, protein broth
- Energy saving up to 60 to 80%.
- 180 t/h of INFEED PRODUCT (TOMATO from 4.5 to 12° brix), extracting up to 60 to 80 t/h of evaporated water.
- Minimum residence time.
- HighEST quality OF THE FINAL product.
- capable of concentrating up to 60 tons of milk per hour from 6% to 50%, with evaporated water extraction ranging from 12 t/h to 50 t/h

This Mixflow evaporator is a concentration unit suitable for multiple effect evaporation by means of mixed circulation (upward/downward) in the effects at lower concentration and by means of downward forced circulation in the first effect of concentration.
It can be designed in different multiple effects configurations; double or triple effect are the most common versions. The machine features:
- An indirect condenser that allows the product aroma recovery
- A high efficiency circulation pumps with open impeller which allow the processing of highly viscous fluids.
This particular technology guarantees that the concentrated fluid reaches a biphasic heat exchange, thus ensuring an excellent efficiency with correct recirculation flows and low evaporation temperatures. This technology, combined with a specific design of the product circuit, allows the reduction of plant volumes with the subsequent reduction of the product residence time and product quality preservation.

PRODUCTS: tomato, tropical fruit, mediterranean fruit
- Significant reduction of power installed on the circulation pumps.
- Much higher efficiency during temperature exchange compared with traditional technologies.
- Compact dimensions of the plant, thanks to the fact that the single effects are self-supporting and do not require additional supporting structures.
- “Annular chamber” type separator, allowing low velocity of vapours inside the separator without increasing the diameter of the separator itself.
- Due to the low temperature & low residence time this new technology the product quality especially in terms of color and taste.

The last generation of Venus evaporators represents one of the most important examples of our Group’s continuous research for new technologies, capable of ensuring the highest quality of the final products and contributing to higher profitability and competitiveness for our customers.
Designed for tomato juice concentration, our Venus evaporators are used throughout the food industry sectors where it is necessary to remove water from raw material and guarantee a final product with high concentration values.

PRODUCTS: cold break and hot break tomato concentrate, fruit purée and concentrates, all high viscosity food products
- Lowering of the average product circulation temperatures, with considerable performance increase as well as high color and consistency values.
- Very short product residence time inside the heat exchanger, thus protecting final product characteristics.
- Low pressure drop and high circulation delivery capacities, up to 3.500 tons per hour of turbulent flow, together with a high heat transfer coefficient.
- Extremely low product/steam delta T, maximum 10° C. Fouling is diminished, delivering 50 days without the need for washing.
- High product viscosity.
- Product burning is avoided due to the patented design with the heat exchanger installed on the top of the vapor separation chambers